Flower-Leaf Print

Flower-Leaf Print: Connecting already experienced print-technique with nature materials. Getting used to work with different textures to create art projects.
Developmental Area
Artistic, Cognitive
Art, Nature
Preschool, Toddler

There is so much to discover in nature!

Mark-making using what we have!


For this activity you will need:

Learning Goals

With this activity you will learn the following skills:

Process Description

Step 1

Children can collect various natural resources from their environment or ask family members and friends to contribute to this project.

Step 2

After painting the natural resources children can create flower/leaft-prints on paper or fabric.

Step 3

Create a booklet with the flowers and leaves, name the flowers used and any other details the children would like to add to their prints


Read the book, Flowers to Spot by Sam Smith, to introduce children to the different types of flowers, where they can be found. What shapes and colours do they see?

Reflective questions

Ask these questions during and after the learning opportunity for critical and self-reflection

Looking and responding

Start by asking the children to describe what they see. Draw attention to details. What shapes are they making? What colours do they see? Can we create new colours using the colours we have?


  1. Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education (CECDE) (2006) Síolta: The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education. Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education.
  2. National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) (2009a) Aistear: The Early Childhood Curriculum Framework. Dublin: NCCA.

Author Bio


TeachKloud is a management childcare app used by thousands of educators and parents every day! See how it works here!


More Learning Opportunities and Activities

Area: Artistic
Area: Artistic, Physical
Age: Early Childhood
Area: Artistic
Age: Preschool
Area: Cognitive
Age: Preschool
Area: Artistic
Age: Preschool, Toddler